Bolokada and Friends Village Project 501(c)(3)
We are grieving the loss of our trusted friend and skilled village midwife, Manteni Toure, who passed unexpectedly in July 2023. May she rest in peace.

Bolokada’s second son, Balla Conde passed away on April 25, 2020 due to complications with diabetes.
Balla was a wonderful young man who was a fantastic djembeföla but dreamed of becoming a professional soccer/football player. May he Rest In Peace.

Let's Build a Medical Clinic!
Sekouba Conde has agreed to become the first public health official in Morowaya!
We purchased a medical microscope for Sekouba and funded a grant so he could receive specialized training at the government hospital in Conakry.
The construction of the clinic is complete and he has officially moved to the village to set up and open his practice.
See our "Current Project" page for more information and details on how you can help.
Your donations are greatly appreciated and 100% of your contribution will go directly to this project.
Thank you,
Bolokada Conde