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2020 Medical Clinic - Present

2020 Clinic Footings
Medical Clinic Construction
Health Training with 16 area doctors

2020 - Medical clinic here we come!  A multi year project is complete and this clinic is up a running! 

This clinic serves many surrounding villages with a focus on birthing and maternal and infant health. 

Your continued support allows us to assist the health workers with medicine, supplies and trainings.   

    Dry Season  
Same Bridege - Side view - All done by hand
Build a Bridge  

2019 - This bridge is an important connection.  Several villages will benefit, saving time and energy. 

New Wooden Bridge creates a short cut to the market
 Wet Season  
Same Bridge during the wet season
2019 - Three photos of the same bridge - This bridge was built by hand.  We purchased a portable mill to cut the lumber.  The supports were put in place one by one by men on each side of the river using ropes to hoist them.  Now the village is connected to the main market place as well as several other villages and has a  lumber mill that will provide opportunities for business startups. 

2023 Solar Powered Water Tower

   (with running water to the clinic)

Fire Relief
Fire damage.  160 Homes were burned.  We were able to send help and build doors for all these homes.

2016 - Something terrible happened.  A brush fire tore through Morowaya burning over 150 homes.  Fortunately, no one was hurt but villagers struggled day and night shoveling ash, washing walls and rebuilding roofs. Prior to 501(c)3 status Bolokada's friends came together once more to provide the things the village couldn't manage on their own: new doors, food and clothing.

 Access Road
Road - Built by hand

2002 - Morowaya missed out on a government drilled well because the equipment could not get through the path leading to the village.  This is the year Bolokada bought and delivered the hand tools necessary to build an access road.  It took the villagers two years to clear trees, roots, and stones by hand.  The dirt road was completed in 2004.

Prior to 501(c)3 status 


Drilled Well #1

Drilled Well #1 serving 850 people

2016 -  Prior to 501(c)3 status  Bolokada's friends rallied together to support "Water for Morowaya" and successfully drilled a well for the people in this village!  This well has a hand pump and 850 people share it.  For the very first time they have access to clean water and are on a path to greater health. So happy!

School House

2005 - Prior to 501(c)3 status Bolokada and his friends sponsored the building of a three- room school.  If a village builds a school the government will send them a teacher.  Families are required to pay tuition and a fee for uniforms and supplies. These people have very little money and as a result, only half of the children are able to attend.


Drilled Well #2

Drilled Well #2 serving 850 people

2018 January - Morowaya

gets a second  drilled well !

Morowaya Mosque
2010 - (Prior to 501(c)3 status) While finishing up a teaching Artist-in-Residency contract with the University of Illinois, Bolokada  saved enough money and with the support of his friends, he was able to provide a house of worship for his home village. 
Failed Well
Failed well

2009 - (Prior to 501(c)3 status) Two separate attempts were made to sponsor a well for Morowaya by  Bolokada's friends.  Neither attempt proved successful as the methods and equipment used were not adequate to drill deep enough to access clean water. 

© 2023 by Feed The World. Proudly created with

​​Call us:  Bolokada 

(831) 345-4126     Carla (860) 377-1007

Bolokada and Friends Village Project 

 PO Box 49,

17 Church Street,

Hebron, CT  06248

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