Progress 2021
Bolokada sent these photos to share with everyone. Many thanks to our awesome "Friends"! Look what your donations are doing in...
Medical Clinic - Sneak Preview
Sneak preview of the medical clinic in Bolokada's home village. Your generosity is making this dream come true! If you've been meaning...
University Residency 2020
WOW! Bolokada Residency Program at Anderson University! He even made the costumes!(start at 7 minutes)
Bolokada Conde (part 3)
"Les Percussions de Guinee" and "Coming to America".
Bolokada Conde in the Diamond Mines? (part 2)
In part 2 Bolokada talks about working in the diamond mines, getting married and being recruited to the national ballet. Follow the link...
Life Story of Bolokada Conde (part 1)
From a far away village in Guinea West Africa comes a boy who would become a world renowned grandmaster djembefola (drummer) The life...
A Roof for the Medical Clinic
We are proud to announce that our Medical Clinic has a roof! Construction in a village takes a little longer than one might expect. The...
Medical Clinic - Making Progress
We are so pleased to show you these photos of our clinic under construction. Imagine how difficult it is to construct a building with out...